Heal Deep Wounds: Build Your Personal Toolkit for Lasting Trauma Recovery

Create personalized tools using your body, emotions, mind and spirit in our 7-week course, empowering you to resolve traumas and achieve strength and balance. Join us on a surprisingly enjoyable journey—far from the usual therapy sessions—where learning and personal growth are both profound and uplifting.

What is the FLW Method?


The FLW Method is a groundbreaking approach that actively engages and creatively utilizes all five levels—physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and spiritual — to help you achieve mental health and wellness.

FLW Method is not a therapy.

In the course of 7 weeks, the FLW Method allows you to build your unique ‘toolbox’ — a set of tools tailored specifically to you — and shows you precisely how to utilize them to address your trauma, both past and present, and prepare for future challenges.

Unlike therapy, which can be retraumatizing and often perceives individuals as broken, the FLW Method rejects this notion. It acknowledges life’s inherent challenges and focuses on equipping you with the skills needed to achieve your ultimate goal: forging a resilient, capable, and successful identity of your own. The FLW Method offers a transformative approach that is engaging, empowering, and enjoyable, preparing you with the tools and skills necessary to navigate life’s complexities and thrive.

Why is the FLW Method Needed?

Many of us are struggling with anxiety, depression, suicidal ideations, and other mental health issues.

In the past, people often relied on religion and ancestral traditions for strength, comfort, and hope and, while some still turn to these sources, times have changed, and now we find ourselves adrift in chaos, lacking stability.

In modern times, people seek science and logic to understand and harness the power of their minds. The FLW Method offers a way to utilize our internal powers effectively, moving beyond reliance on external sources like religion. It is the first fully comprehensive approach that guides individuals towards inner peace and determination, helping them release emotions trapped in the body and begin to enjoy life’s simple pleasures.

How does it work?

Utilizing Maximum Number of Tools

The FLW Method empowers you to harness the formidable tools of both your mind and body. It guides you to utilize all the tools available to you to achieve a new level of wellbeing.

Interconnected Healing

A critical aspect of the FLW Method is its understanding and utilization of the interconnectivity and interplay among these levels. Unlike other therapeutic approaches that may treat these dimensions in isolation, FLW recognizes that they are inextricably linked and continuously influence each other, and it approaches them accordingly.

Focusing on Your Identity

At the heart of the FLW Method is its focus on your identity, celebrating and cultivating what makes you unique. Unlike therapy that often aims to fit you into a ‘normal’ mold, the FLW Method values and normalizes your experiences. It equips you to creatively and effectively navigate your past, present, and future, embracing the individuality of your journey.

Five Levels of You: A Truly Comprehensive Approach

The FLW Method revolutionizes the approach to mental health by following the actual life process where all levels are involved simultaneously, ensuring its effectiveness.

Your existence is a symphony of five interdependent levels – physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and spiritual – that work together to create the unique individual that is You. Unlike traditional therapies that isolate these levels, attempting to 'fix' problems within them often leading to failure, the FLW Method aims to equip you with tools that will allow you to take control of your own healing.

Physical Level

Your emotions reside within your body, intricately connected to your physical well-being. Unlike traditional therapy where your body often passively sits in a chair while you discuss emotions using your mind, the FLW Method actively engages your body. Expect movement in sessions, although it’s not a gym environment and no physical fitness is required. Your body actively participates because it holds trauma as much as your mind does, making its involvement crucial for healing.

Emotional Level

Emotions are not only connected to your physical body; they are chemically generated within it. As a society, we do ourselves a disservice by categorizing these experiences solely as ‘mental health issues’. This label is a misnomer that fails to acknowledge the full scope of their impact.

The FLW Method offers a new perspective on emotions, emphasizing their purpose and teaching effective ways to harness their power. It encourages you to utilize your innate ability to feel emotions, guiding you on how to embrace them safely and effectively. The result is that negative emotions dissipate, leaving you with a sense of peace and well-being.

Cognitive Level

The cognitive level holds tremendous power within you! The resources available for healing from mental health challenges are often overlooked by other treatment approaches. The FLW Method will reveal your innate abilities and show you how to utilize them. The best part is that this process is enjoyable—it feels more like playing than suffering. Through this approach, you will not only have fun but also create the tools to use when healing from your traumas, unlocking your full potential along the way.

Social Level

Interactions at the social level often serve as sources of challenges. However, interaction and communication can also be tools for healing and help improve your well-being significantly.

You already know that healing needs to occur internally, independent of the presence of others. The FLW Method guides you on how to harness this inherent power within yourself. It shows you how to utilize these tools to resolve past traumatic experiences, empowering you to find resolution and growth within.

Spiritual Level

While therapy often overlooks the spiritual dimension, FLW Method makes full use of it, recognizing that it is fundamental to our existence in this world. To participate in the FLW Method course, you do not need to have any specific beliefs. Spirituality resides uniquely within you, not tied to any external community. The FLW Method guides your introspective work, allowing you to explore your inner self freely, without the expectation of conformity. Through this process, you will develop your unique identity by embracing your individual path and journey.

Benefits of the FLW Method

  • Building Inner Strength, Resilience, and Balance:

    Developing an unshakeable inner strength and resilience, enabling you to face life's challenges with composure and stability.

  • Emotional Regulation and Stability:

    Gaining control over your emotions, leading to improved emotional regulation and a greater sense of calm and well-being.

  • Clarity, Purpose, and Confidence:

    Achieving clarity and peace of mind, increasing self-esteem, and fostering a sense of purpose and identity.

  • Transformation and Personal Empowerment:

    Undergoing a profound personal transformation that redefines your relationship with the world and helps you make sense of life's experiences.

  • Improved Well-being and Enjoyment of Life:

    Alleviating symptoms of mental health issues, finding joy in social activities, and experiencing a balanced and fulfilling life.

By addressing your issue within the context of the five levels – physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and spiritual – the FLW Method not only helps in managing the immediate problem but also facilitates a holistic transformation. This approach allows for a comprehensive healing process, ensuring that you are equipped to handle life's complexities with a newfound sense of strength, clarity, and joy.

Methodology and Sessions of the FLW Method

The FLW Method is structured as a 7-week group course, designed to foster comprehensive healing and personal growth. Each session is two hours long, ensuring ample time for learning and application in a supportive, face-to-face environment.

Format and Duration:

7-Week Program: The course spans 7 weeks, with one two-hour session per week. This duration allows for in-depth exploration and practice of new skills.

Face-to-Face Group Sessions:

Sessions are conducted in person, creating a supportive and interactive atmosphere among approximately 10-12 participants.

Homework and Preparation:

Short Reflective Assignments: Participants will receive brief homework assignments to practice and reflect on the session content personally.

Session Structure and Approach:

Engaging Learning: Weekly sessions focus on acquiring and applying new skills relevant to personal growth.

Spiral Structure:

Each session builds upon the previous ones, gradually incorporating all five levels – physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and spiritual.

Guided Sessions:

Participants engage in enjoyable, short tasks that cumulatively build a personal toolbox for trauma resolution.

In essence, the FLW Method’s methodology and sessions are structured to provide a comprehensive, immersive experience. The program guides participants through skill-building and practical application, fostering personal transformation and wellness in a safe, supportive environment focused on learning and growth.

Scientific Inquiry Basis of the FLW Method

The Five Level Wellness (FLW) Method is deeply rooted in the principles of scientific inquiry, emphasizing a logical and evidence-based approach to mental wellness. This foundation is crucial, as it aligns with the method’s commitment to rational exploration and understanding of the self and the world.

Emphasis on Open Inquiry Over Belief:

Discouraging Blind Belief:

A core tenet of the FLW Method is the discouragement of blind belief, including the phrase “I believe in science.” Science, by its nature, is not a belief system but a method of inquiry. Encouraging belief in anything, even in science, is viewed as counterproductive in the FLW Method, as it can potentially close the mind to new ideas and possibilities.

Openness and Exploration:

Participants in the FLW Method are encouraged to keep an open mind, free from preconceived notions or beliefs. This openness is crucial for allowing new insights and perspectives to emerge.

Harnessing the Power of Mind:

Using Mind as a Discovery Tool:

The mind is capable of more than just retaining information; it can analyze, synthesize, and perform higher-level cognitive functions. In the FLW Method, participants are encouraged to use these capabilities to explore their inner and outer worlds. The mind’s analytical skills are employed to identify patterns, make connections, and derive insights from one’s life experiences and the broader world.

Utilization of Imagination as a Tool:

Imagination is a pivotal tool in the FLW Method. It is used not as an escape from reality, but as a means to expand the boundaries of current thinking patterns. Imagination is recognized as a powerful mental faculty that can lead to breakthroughs in understanding and perception. In the FLW Method, imagination is used in conjunction with other cognitive tools to facilitate creative solutions to complex issues.

Comparative Analysis: FLW Method vs. Traditional Therapies

The FLW Method offers a unique and holistic approach to mental wellness that significantly differs from traditional therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), psychoanalysis, grief counseling, and anger management.

  1. FLW Method vs. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy:
    • Focus and Approach: CBT primarily addresses negative thought patterns to change feelings and behaviors. In contrast, the FLW Method delves into the root causes of issues, addressing all five levels (physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and spiritual) rather than just cognitive patterns.
    • Long-Term vs. Short-Term: CBT often emphasizes short-term symptom management. The FLW Method, on the other hand, adopts a long-term focus, aiming for transformative change that integrates all aspects of an individual’s life.
  2. FLW Method vs. Psychoanalysis:
    • Length and Depth of Therapy: Psychoanalysis typically requires a long-term commitment and delves deeply into the past and the unconscious. The FLW Method, with its 7-week program, offers a more structured and time-efficient approach.
    • Potential for Dependency: The FLW Method minimizes the risk of dependency seen in long-term psychoanalytic therapy, encouraging self-reliance and internal strength.
  3. FLW Method vs. Grief Counseling:
    • Standardized vs. Unique Approach: While grief counseling often follows set models and steps, the FLW Method recognizes that each person’s grief is unique. In FLW Method, grief is seen as a form of trauma and the goal is to help each person develop tools to deal with their trauma in a unique way.
    • Coping vs. Resolving: Unlike grief counseling which may emphasize external coping strategies, the FLW Method focuses on utilizing internal resources and creating ways not to just cope with grief but to resolve the negative emotions that accompany this trauma.
  4. FLW Method vs. Anger Management:
    • Understanding Anger: Traditional anger management often focuses on controlling the expression of anger. In contrast, the FLW Method does not see anger as ‘wrong’. On the contrary, anger is seen as a purposeful and necessary emotion that is needed on our life journey.
    • Utilizing Ager: FLW’s focus is on using your anger in productive and creative ways. Anger can not only be controlled, it can help us achieve our ultimate goal.

Why Choose the Five Level Wellness Method:

  1. The Right System

    The right steps in the right order, empowering you to take control of your healing journey with confidence and self-sufficiency.

  2. The Right Focus

    The goal is not to learn coping skills that will make your condition manageable - the goal of the FLW Method is to create effective tools that can be used to truly resolve your trauma.

  3. The Right Support

    A coach to guide you through each step of the process, ensuring you build your 'toolbox' and practice using your 'tools' under expert instruction and encouragement.